Educational Psychology
Educational psychologists explore the learning processes of children and adolescents. They delve into how they absorb emotional, social, and cognitive stimuli. Through their analyses, they pinpoint the learning, social, and behavioural challenges that hinder the educational progress of young learners.
Educational Psychologists (EPs) use a varied toolbox of assessment and intervention strategies to support children and young people.
There are a range of assessment tools used by Educational Psychologists to identify a child’s or adolescent’s specific needs. These are called Psychometric tests and they are standardised and evidence-based. Examples of Psychometric tests that an Educational Psychologist could use may include any combination of the following:
- British Ability Scales, currently in its 3rd edition (BAS3)
- A range of Wechsler assessment scales including WORD for literacyWOLD for language for numeracyWASI (abbreviated cognitive assessment) WISC cognitive assessment, currently in its 4th edition (WISC IV)
- Neuropsychological Assessment (NEPSY II) developmental difficulties
- BRIEF Inventory (for executive functioning assessment)
- Rating scales such as GARS and CARS for ASD related work Conner’s rating scales (ADHD work)
- Interview schedules
- Vineland Scales and ABAS Scales addressing adaptive behaviour skills for Learning Difficulties